Here's what Stuart Dybek had to say about, Turning Points, the anthology my newest short story "Infinite Monkey Hypothesis" will appear in:
“Whether the genre is fiction, nonfiction, or memoir, it is the ability to craft a story that brings the stuff of life—experience, memory, ideas, dreams—alive. The ambition of a writer is no less than to create life on the page, and the stories in Turning Points are exemplary illustrations of that. The book, true to the OCWW organization itself, whose 75th Year anniversary Turning Points celebrates, pulses with a passion for the art of writing.”
In case you don't know, Stuart Dybek is both a poet (Brass Knuckles and Streets in Their Own Ink) and a fiction writer (Childhood and Other Neighborhoods, The Coast of Chicago, I Sailed With Magellan, Paper Lantern: Love Stories, and Ecstatic Cahoots: Fifty Short Stories). His work has been anthologized and has appeared in magazines such as Harper's, The New Yorker, Atlantic Monthly, Poetry, Tin House, Ploughshares, and Triquarterly.
You can preorder the book here: https://www.thebookstall.com/book/9781953294050 or https://www.indiebound.org/book/9781953294050